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Learning Experiences

Hi everybody!Today I'll be writing about "negative" experiences and how I like to see them as learning experiences instead. As they say, nothing is perfect. This means anybody can have bad experiences with anything in their life. It can be in sports, school maybe a bad relationship, anything. I'll give a personal example of myself. In highschool I took an elective on Basic Web Design. When I chose the elective, I was planning on having a smooth school year with that course. Well as you know, not everything goes to plan and this class is one of them. From the outside, if you saw how I struggled with this class, you might've called it a "negative" experience. I wouldn't agree with you, I'd call it more of a learning experience. Not only did I gain some web design skills that I didn't have before, I also found out that web design won't be a passion of mine in the future. That is how I like to look at things. Also, no shade to any of the teachers reading this:)Thanks for reading. Always look at the Bright Side.

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